Advantages and Defects of Google Chrome

Chrome is a first Internet browser which is launch by Google. Now Google Inc. replace Firefox with chrome as a default web browser for Google.Google chrome is a different browser as compare to other browser .

Advantages of Google Chrome over other Internet browser.

1.Google Chrome provide more space as compare to other web browser.
2.Google search engine attached with address bar of Chrome which trace website fastly which you are going to automatically reduce our time.
3.Google chrome provide images of recently visited website by clicking on which we can directly go to the website.

i am using Google chrome since it's launch during the use of Google chrome i found to major defects in Google chrome which are as follow.

1. Google Chrome does not support Hindi Font in for writing a topic in Hindi
2. if you are using if you want to paste HTML code in Edit HTML of blogger after or before in HTML you will do general process Ctrl+A and Ctrl+F and type but you can not find to paste your HTML code you can try this.

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