Info About

Info About or simply open office is like is like "Microsoft Office" but difference betwwen and Ms-Office is the cost because is a open source software so it is available free of cost to everyone. it would be more beneficial for those who can afford the cost of Microsoft office. open office support almost all type of operating systems MS- Windows, Solaries, Linux, etc. those who used open office their experience shows that it can be complete replacement of MS-Office.

Openoffice is a open source software software and licenced under "GNU Laser General Public Licence" . was acquired by Sun Microsystem (USA) in year 1999.
it name is not openoffice because openoffice is already registered trademark of any company.

Lets know what is inside of

openoffice contain a unit known as Writer which is same like MS-Word preprocessor in Writer you can read pdf file without installation of any software. another unit of open office is Calc which work like MS-Excel , Impress is presentational software like MS-Power Point. Base is database program like MS-Access. Draw is a vector graphics editor for openoffice which work like MS-Publisher and Math unit work like Microsoft equation editor. is working to bring Openoffice in other languages and work is going on , for what is going on to bring Openoffice in Hindi Log on

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