As we knows that technology makes our life simple and comfortable. we can see high growth especially in the field of Information Technology. we can see impact of IT in our daily life but one thing which we can not ignore is that growth in IT also result growth in cyber crime. it is very uncertain that , How many of us aware about cyber crime and method used by hacker? In other way we can say that IT and cyber crime are directly proportional to each other.
In our daily life we heards many case and read in news paper like hacking of banking password , credit card detail ,money withdraw from person's bank account . I i is very uncertain that how many percentage of people who are using Internet are aware about cyber crime or in other way we can say social engineering?
Social Engineering is defined as" Method and technique used by cyber criminal to achieve their target".
Now days Hacker or social engineer got power because of high growth in information technology. social engineer using various method t hack personal detail.
For Example
suppose you have bank account in
A Social Engineer ( Hacker ) can send you a mail like" due to some technical problem has lost it's data , click on below link to provide data so we can save your all account detail.
if you fill up this application form and your are not aware about that is mail is not came from then social engineer can get your all bank information just a click away.
Same way a Social engineer send you a mail like this" You have won the lottery of Rs. 5 lakh , please fill the application form below so we can deposit lottery amount into your account." even though you have not purchased any such type lottery.
A hacker might be sent a Malware to your system during your online activity and this malware sent your all personal detail to hacker.
Today's Social Engineer are very smart rather than doing small thing as above they might be hack your web browser, if your web browser got hacked by Social engineer then all information browsed by you in your web browser goes to hacker.
Lets take an overview about some common method of social Engineering
1. Sniffing
1. Sniffing
Sniffing is process by which Social Engineer (hacker) try to find user password. There are mainly three type of Sniffing
a.Password Showing-: Password showing is the way by which a user disclosed his or her password to a hacker.
b.Password Guessing-:Password guessing involve to to guess password by number of attempt.
c.Password Capturing-:Password Capturing involve to have the user password with the use of some Malware program .
Spoofing a process by which a social engineer may alter e-mail header to make it appear that a request for info originated from another address this process known as spoofing.
Tips To Secure yourself by the attack of Social Engineers (Hacker).
1.Be aware about Trojan horse program , A Trojan horse program is a software that might be useful for your PC like install this software , it will increase your speed of your system. if you install this type of Trojan horse program i would not increase speed of your PC it will provide all your personal information stored in your system to Social Engineer.
2. Always update your system with latest Antivirus software and use latest version of operating system .
3.Always install your own Firewall and Anti spyware to protect your system to social engineer.
4.Always change your password after certain period of time , do not create easy type of password that a hacker can easily crack.
5.Keep verifying your Credit card statement and bank balance if anything happen wrong with you immediately inform the bank.
6.Always modify your web browser setting according to your requirement.
7.Always update your web browser if you are using older version of web browser update it with new.
8. Shop online with only reputable web portable that provide your online security.
9.Open website directly typing in address bar of your web browser never open a website by clicking on any link.
10. Do not reply any such type of e-mail that is asking for your personal information.
11. Before providing your personal information to any website always check privacy Policy of that website.
12.Always delete or limit cookies if you are using public computer if you are using FireFox after browsing press Shift+Ctrl+Del and if you are using Internet Explorer then you can do same thing Tool---->Internet option to clear your private data.