Do you know that Google allow you to access Gmail on desktop e-mail software? To use Gmail as desktop e-mail software follow the following steps to activate in your Gmail account.
1.Log on and sign in
2. Clock on "setting Tab" after that click on the " Far warding and POP" tab and scroll down to POP download.
3. Click radio button for either " Enable POP for all Mail" or " Enable POP only for mail that arrives from new on". if you are choosing POP for all mail , first time you start you client software and set it up, it will download all mail in your Gmail account.
4. Follow the " configuration instruction" if you need more help.
Understand that no two mail client program are setup the same way.
Basic information given below regarding setup the software
#.Your Name -: Xyz
#.e-mail address-: Gmail
#.incoming server Type -: POP or POP3
#.Incoming Server address
#. Outgoing Server Address-:
#. Incoming user name-: Gmail Address
#. Outgoing user name-: Gmail address
#. POP server port-:995
#. use secure connection -: Yes
#.Use Authentication-: Yes
#.SMTP Server Port-: 587 or 465
#. Use secure connection type-:TLS