Rich activities like games and video calls were some of the
last remaining challenges to prove that the Web is a capable and
powerful platform for complex tasks. We conquered these challenges as
part of Mozilla’s mission to advance the Web as the platform for
openness, innovation and opportunity for all.
allows developers to create amazing high-performance Web applications
and enables video calls and file-sharing directly in the browser, all
without the need for plugins or third-party software. What has been
difficult to develop on the Web before is now much easier, faster and
more fun.
Mozilla described a supercharged subset of JavaScript (asm.js)
that enables developers to create high-intensity applications, like 3D
games and photo processing, directly on the Web without having to
install additional software or use plugins. Using the Emscripten
cross-compiler, which can emit asm.js, it is possible to bring
high-performance native applications, like games, to the Web.
Mozilla and Epic teamed up to demonstrate this
with the Unreal Engine 3- it’s pretty amazing to see JavaScript perform
at near native speed. Now developers have a low-cost solution to bring
high performance games and applications to the Web with technologies
like JavaScript, Emscripten and WebGL.
Firefox also enables Web applications to support video
calls, voice calls and file sharing without the need to install
additional software or use third-party plugins. With Web Real-Time
Communications (WebRTC), it’s easy to integrate these features into Web apps with just a few lines of code so developers can create more rich and interactive websites for people to experience across browsers.
Mozilla is pushing the boundaries for what is possible on
the Web today and proving the Web is the best development platform with
advancements like these that improve interoperability and end
fragmentation. We created BananaBread
as a game demo built using all of these Web technologies Mozilla
pioneered, including WebGL, Emscripten, asm.js and WebRTC, to show how
you can deliver high-end 3D multiplayer games while still maintaining a
fast and stunning experience.
We are excited about the possibilities that these new
technologies bring to the Web and can’t wait to see what amazing
experiences developers will create.