Normally everyone just does a Google search like typing the keyboard and hit ENTER. Let’s say an example of people who are searching for Online Mobile Accessories normal internet users just click on the top 10 results and power users search in an advance way. So let’s use the advance Search engine trick to find the accessories you’re looking for.
With this trick, you not only get quick results but also more ideas and amazing accessories for your phones. Let’s get started.
- Log in to
- Do a search like ” iPhone 14 accessories” (without quotes )
- You will get top 10 websites but this may or may not help you.
- So this the place “Google Advanced Search options ” comes in handy.
Google search tools
- When you click on the Search Tools options you will get a bunch of amazing options like “Time range” and “All results”. We will discuss each of them below.
Time Range-:
With this time range search tool you can do a lot of things such as you can find the accessories which are just uploaded a couple of seconds back or few hours backs. With this feature, you can keep an eye on the latest products added to and eCommerce site like amazon, eBay etc.You can do searches like a past hour, Past 24 hours and even custom time range with the help of Google search tools. It comes so handily when you are searching for so specific things on a site.
All Results-:
In the all results tab we got so many amazing features like Nearby, Visited sits , not visited sites etc..
So when you going to buy any mobile accessories, gadgets or any other things you will search on different eCommerce sites and forums right? Let’s say you search 100 websites and those sites are visiting sites. These amazing Visited pages feature makes you search within seconds. No need to search again and again and time waste.
Another feature is Nearby, you can get results nearby your location. This feature really helpful for local search deals, products or any services.
I use these Google search tools a lot and it literally saves a lot of time. That’s how we save time and search like a PRO and you keep on digging more search features which makes life better.
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